The Foundation
Since 1985, the Joseph-François-Perrault Foundation has supported musical education and promoted music as a form of artistic expression.
The Foundation works closely with École JFP’s music department. Financing by the Foundation ensures the sustainability of the music department as well as access to a public musical education for everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic situation.

Members of the Board of directors
The members of the Board of Directors of the Fondation Joseph-François-Perrault ensure the good governance of the Foundation and the maintenance of its activities in the spirit of its mission: to support dreams and excellence in music. These volunteers come from all of Montreal’s cultural and business communities and work hard to ensure the continuity of the programs and activities of the School’s music department. Some are former parents, others are music lovers, and all are committed to the success of the students.
Members of the team
Fundraising activity
To carry out its mission, the Foundation relies on several sources of funding, including private partners, the annual fundraising campaign and the sale of tickets and promotional items.
Annual report
The funds raised are reinvested in the activities of the JPF School’s music department and are the subject of an annual activity report.