
Support dreams and excellence

Your donations are used to bring to life the ambitions and dreams of hundreds of youngsters who will be able to learn music and have positive experiences that combine academic and artistic success.

Your donations are concretely embodied in the purchase and maintenance of musical instruments, in the organization of concerts and tours.

The memories will last in time thanks to the recording and capturing of the performances made possible by your support. All these actions generated by your donations give the students of Joseph-François-Perrault School concrete tools that contribute to their academic success!

Other ways to give

Attend a concert

Enjoy the performance of musicians and choir members in a number of inspiring programs.

Donate a musical instrument

Give a second life to your musical instruments that are no longer in use.

Give time

Your time is precious. It allows youth to exprience exceptional concert venues here and elsewhere.

Fundraising activity

With your donations, the JFP Foundation:

  • Helps every student to have an assigned instrument throughout their journey. The Foundation has purchased over 400 instruments.
  • Supports the music department in the organization of the 8 regular concerts and the annual gala concert.
  • Offers close to $10,000 annually in scholarships and bursaries to students.
  • Organizes tours in Europe.