Supporting dreams and musical excellence

Musician on stage during a performance
Picture : Marie-Andrée Lemire

What are your donations for?

Each year the foundation raises over $90,000 to support the musical dreams of the students at François-Joseph Perrault School.

By donating, you are supporting an accessible and affordable music education amongst the best in the public sector. Donating means promoting music as a means of development and academic excellence!

Music and academic excellence go hand in hand

819 students

27 scholarship recipients in 2020-2021

423 instruments bought by the Foundation in use

13 tours in Europe since 1990

52 320 $ for instrument acquisitions in 2020-2021

Over 8 000 $ in scholarships awarded annually

10 concerts supported annually

Students and alumni talk about their experience

JFP students and former students talk about their musical discovery during their time at JFP. An encounter that marked their academic career and influenced their professional future.

Chloé and Kilari

Arnaud and Anais

Jean-Marie and Maurice


Plan your next concert now! On May 12, 2023, Lydia Képinski will be honored with the Orchestre symphonique Joseph-François-Perrault. The artist channels his exuberant energy into music, defending the idea of intelligent pop illuminated by a dark light. Her music crosses eras, offering new variations of the disco era with inventive harmonic richness and boundless energy. On the program: Works from Lydia Képinski’s latest album with the OSJFP in the first part and with her band in the second part at the Espace Le Vrai Monde at Collège Ahuntsic.

Don’t miss the JFP Gala Concert at the Claude-Champagne Hall of the Université de Montréal on June 8th.

Upcoming fundraising event

In 2020-2021, $40,000 was invested in the production of the year-end concerts and recordings, allowing the graduates to perform at Collège Ahuntsic and the Maison Symphonique de Montréal. As we prepare the musical projects for 2022, help us by donating to the Foundation and attending our concerts and events.
